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A Clean Bill of Health

We’re about 8 days short of the 7 MONTH Apuversary for Nikki!! Considering what her chances were when she was first diagnosed, I really do know how lucky we are that she’s still with us, and in great health to boot! I swear every day with her is like we’re going backwards in time and Nikki is becoming more and more puppy-like. These days if I toss a ball in the house, chances are that Nikki (remember, 9 years old and only 3 legs) will likely get to it before the other two (who are mere puppies at just over 1 year).

Today was a dual-doctor day for Nikki. First she saw Dr. Friedly, who is her holistic vet. He’s the one that devised the treatment plan that we’re on (No Chemo, all natural “eastern” medicine) that seems to be working quite well. He basically looked at Nikki, told us to keep doing what we’re doing, and scheduled the next visit for December (Which will be 1 year post-diagnosis). Bottom line as far as he’s concerned, Nikki is healthy and happy, even though she’s missing a leg.

Next she saw Dr. Pyne, who is Nikki’s primary vet. Dr. Pyne has seen so much of Nikki (and us) over the last year that I’m sure she’s pretty tired of us. This was basically a follow-up exam to the dental cleaning that we did last week, and a general all-purpose examination. The verdict there is Nikki is healthy and doing great. Nikki owes her life to Dr. Pyne, and we’re all very appreciative of that fact! While the visits to Banfield aren’t exactly the most fun thing for Nikki, she really does enjoy the ride both to and from, as you can see here:


Anyway, I guess I keep providing these very positive updates just to show that there is light at the end of the tunnel for those that are just starting down this path. I know every dog is different, as is every situation, but I can’t say enough about the treatment plan (and diet) that Nikki has been on since her diagnosis. I really do believe that had we gone the traditional path, we’d have lost Nikki by now.

11 Responses to “A Clean Bill of Health”

  1.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    We love positive updates! “Healthy and doing great” is what we want to hear!

    And just over a week to your SEVEN MONTH AMPUVERSARY! We’ll be celebrating Catie’s this Friday.

    Clean bill of health. WOOHOO!

  2.   Mackenzie's Mom Says:

    Great news that Nikki is doing so well! Happy 7 month ampuversary! Congratulations on her clean bill of health. Big cause for celebration!

  3.   Tazzie Says:

    Nikki – You are doing so well I just about forgot about you. Of course you were not forgotten, but I just hadn’t seen anything here (not that I have been around much either).

    That is all terrific news and Nikki looks like she is enjoying the car ride completely. That is a timely post, because someone else who is struggling with the “to chemo or not to chemo” question just posted in the forums today.

  4.   nbobco Says:

    Glad to hear Nikki is doing well! I am one of those people starting down the tripawd path 13 days and counting… though Chloe is now cancer free from the amputation, it was good to read that she will still enjoy a full and happy life even with 3 legs like Nikki 🙂

    -Chloe’s mom

  5.   kobe341 Says:

    So glad to read that Nikki is doing well! It is definitely encouraging to those of us just beginning this journey. She is a beautiful girl and really looks like she loves her car rides!!

  6.   Leslie Says:

    Hi Nikki! So glad to hear you’re doing so good! Your pic is just adorable. You look like a smiling, happy puppy! Keep on truckin, Nikki. So many people look up to you. 🙂

    Ted, what kind of supplements do you have Nikki on? If you have time, do you mind emailing me?



  7.   maggie Says:

    Wahooo Nikki!!!! She looks fantastic and a great report! I, too, am treating my dog without chemo – it is nice to read the successes you are having with Nikki!

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  8.   maggie Says:

    Yes! I was going to ask the same Leslie 🙂
    I was gonna search Nikki’s archives as I think Ted posted it once…

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  9.   Ted Says:

    The post where the treatment is detailed is here: (I can’t believe that I wrote that back in January.. Dang!)

    Anyway, I really believe the combination of the Artecin and the Tumeric is what’s helping the most, but apparently the Pectin is pretty important too…

    Thanks everyone for the comments….

  10.   etgayle Says:

    what a beautiful smile on that happy, healthy girl!! congrats on seven months-here’s to many, many, many, many more!!!!!

    gayle & charon

  11.   admin Says:

    WOOOHOO for Nikki! Thanks for sharing her inspawrational story. Keep those great updates coming. 🙂

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