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Getting Used to Life on 3 Legs

Now that we have tackled the infection, Nikki has really been getting back to form! She’s been acting more and more like the “pre-diagnosis” Nikki, and is starting to let us know that we need to stop thinking about her as a dog with 3 legs, and more like a dog who’s pain has vanished.


One of the more interesting things that Nikki has been doing lately is letting us know that she really just wants to be one of the dogs. Our normal routine in the morning is that I bring the dogs down the stairs and let them out (this means that Nikki has to navigate 2 sets of stairs going down) and then start my coffee. Then I go outside and down to wait for Nikki to be ready to come back up. Then I help Nikki up the stairs by using a makeshift sling (Really just an old sweatshirt that has been rolled up).

She has started letting me know that she really doesn’t want my help up the stairs, so I’ve been gradually letting her navigate them on her own. (I still don’t trust that she’s got it 100%, but you can sure see her fighting spirit as she does this)


We’ve also been going for rides (her absolute favorite thing in life) that are just for her to enjoy as opposed to us having to go see a Dr. We’ve figured out a system in the Tahoe that lets Nikki comfortably hang her head out the window without me worrying that she’s going to hurt herself. (As I mentioned in the last post, she figured out how to balance herself, but I really wasn’t comfortable with letting her do that for long..) She’s now asking for rides just about every day (Just like pre-diagnosis Nikki).

She’s also finding more time to play with her siblings, and Sasha really appreciates this!


8 Responses to “Getting Used to Life on 3 Legs”

  1.   ubermojo Says:

    Glad Nikki is getting back to her old self. Mojo and I wish her the best in her recovery!

  2.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    It doesn’t take long for them to demand their favourite things, does it? Sounds like things are moving along just like they’re supposed to.

    I see you’ve got the jigsaw of scatter rugs too covering your floors. I know that there won’t be any photo shoots of my home my house or yard in Home and Garden any time soon. 🙂

  3.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    It doesn’t take long for them to demand their favourite things, does it? Sounds like things are moving along just like they’re supposed to.

    I see you’ve got the jigsaw of scatter rugs too covering your floors. I know that there won’t be any photo shoots of my house or yard in Home and Garden any time soon. 🙂

  4.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    I see I just posted twice. Good grief. I need to go to bed.

  5.   jerry Says:

    Nikki it’s great to see you looking so fabulous. And just in time too becuase we’ll be coming up to your town on May 15. Will you meet us at a dog park somewhere so we can hang out? We are also inviting Spright, the Tripawd Mayor of Divide, which I think is near you, right?

    Hope we get to meet you!!!!!

  6.   Ted Malone Says:

    Hey Jerry! You bet we’ll meet up with you when you’re in town. That’s the Saturday after we get back from Europe (assuming the Volcano lets us come home) so we’ll be ready!

    Couple of dog parks here in town, but one that we prefer is at the Rampart Park. If you don’t have a better suggestion, I’ll send you the info on that one….

  7.   Peyton's Path Says:

    Nice work on those stairs Nikki! You are just like any four legged dog! We are happy to hear your pawrents are doing stuff with you just for fun! It is good to go in the car especially if you aren’t going to the vet!!!

    You look wonderful!

    Dillon and Rhys

  8.   cometdog Says:

    Razza Matazz! Look at you Nikki going up those stairs! Not to mention during that hurricane of wind blowing in the background!

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