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A few months later

Here we are 207 (but who’s counting, right?) days since having to say goodbye to Nikki. For some reason I’ve found myself thinking and talking a lot about her lately. Not exactly sure why, but in each conversation I’ve noticed that the memory being related is a happy one, or the situation I’m talking about is a positive one. I suppose that’s good news, and probably shouldn’t stop to analyze it, but that’s just how I am I guess.

I was going through some pictures today looking for something completely unrelated to Nikki or any of the dogs, but I found this picture. It was taken 6 weeks before we lost Nikki. I took it after being mobbed by Nikki when I walked in the door after being gone for the week on Business. If that’s not the look of happiness in her eyes, I don’t know what is.

NikkiHappy (2)

Max and Sasha are doing just fine these days, and Max has developed many of the traits that Nikki had at that age (He is now almost 8 months old). Max has definitely decided that he is my dog, doing many of the things that Nikki did (including laying at my feet while I type this) so I do think that Nikki is still with us in spirit. Doesn’t stop me from missing her though.

Just thought it would be nice to share this picture with everyone and keep Nikki’s blog alive.

6 Responses to “A few months later”

  1.   admin Says:

    Utter happiness indeed. Thanks for sharing.

    Not that anybody is counting or anything, but it’s been 1,117 days since we let Jerry go and I just told a bunch of strangers about him a few minutes ago!

  2.   AbbysMom Says:

    Great picture!

    I’m sure Angel Nikki is giving Max some pointers.

    It’s nice to keep the blog going.
    All the best,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  3.   etgayle Says:

    beautiful picture, reflective post. we know angel nikki is keeping an eye on you and max…

    charon & gayle

  4.   tatespeeps Says:

    I’m glad you have Sasha and Max to keep you company now…never a replacement but each a joy in their own way, I’m sure.

  5.   riosmom Says:

    It’s true, the happy memories begin to replace some of the sad as you move forward. And while you never truly get over the loss, those memories sustain you…

    Micki and Rio

  6.   doggiemomma9 Says:

    Pure happiness. They take a piece of you when they go, but they leave a mark on our world and heart that we will never forget.

    Nancy & Butchey

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