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Getting Better Every Day!

We’re coming up on the 3 month apuversary for Nikki! It seems that all the hard times we went through after the surgery are finally heading out the door!!! Nikki is doing very well, her infection has pretty much all disappeared, and she’s starting to get a lot of her pre-diagnosis behaviors back..


Today was definitely one of those, “Giant Leap for Dog-Kind” kind of days…

One of Nikki’s favorite things is to go for a ride. Even when she was sick she still loved getting into the Tahoe and riding. The big difference was what she did when she was riding. Before she got sick, she would just hang her head out the window and really just have a great time. Sometimes she’d bark at the cars coming the opposite direction, sometimes she’d just stare at the lines in the road, and sometimes she’d even bark at the dust thrown up if we were on a dirt road.. Today I decided to take her for a ride, and we headed off to a dirt road that I know of around here. Once we got onto the road, I decided to roll the back windows down so she could get a bit of air on her. Low and behold, after staring at the situation for awhile, Nikki figured out how she could get herself up and balanced on her one rear leg so she could hang out the window! (She had not been able to do this for at least 2 months prior to the surgery)


So I just took it slow and let her enjoy herself. Almost made me cry to be honest, as she really was enjoying herself in a way that we thought she’d never be able to do again.

She was able to stay like that for about 5 miles, before I had to make her get down so I could speed up once we hit pavement again.


So little by little Nikki is getting back to her old self!

8 Responses to “Getting Better Every Day!”

  1.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    Well done, little Nikki. Happy to hear you’re feeling more like yourself and able to hang your head out the car window like you love to.

  2.   maggie Says:

    You just made me cry Nikki! GOOD FOR YOU GIRL! I remember the first time my Maggie was able to stand up in the vehicle and hang her head out the window on a dirt road…..pure joy…for both of us…. Relish in the small things huh?!!!!

    GO NIKKI! You’ll get stronger and standing up will be longer…but don’t make it too long and listen to your pawrents when they say you should lay down for a rest…standing up too long is tiring!

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  3.   admin Says:

    The good times are showing in Nikki’s beautiful face. Looks like she’s doing great! Glad to hear it, thanks for the update!

  4.   tai09 Says:

    Nikki you’re a girl after my own heart. I LOVE hanging my head out of the window and feeling the wind blow through my ears. Even though I only have 1 front leg now I’ve figured out how to balance on the armrest of the door and have half my body out of the window. My Mum keeps telling me to get down because it’s dangerous but I pretend I can’t hear her for the wind noise. Isn’t it great to be alive and enjoying all the little things!!! Keep on hanging out you amazing tripawd girl!

  5.   cometdog Says:

    Hey Nikki! I’m with you girl! I’d be looking for an escape route, too! Those dare devil pawrents of yours are taking pics and driving at the same time!

  6.   Peyton's Path Says:

    Keep enjoying the wind in your face Nikki! That is pawsome you get to stick you head out the window again and enjoy yourself!

    Dillon and Rhys

  7.   dsimas Says:

    Way to go Nikki!!! As you can see from my avatar, I can completely feel your excitement about the car ride. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  8.   admin Says:

    FYI: In case you missed it, we thought you might be interested in this video about Rottweilers and cancer studies that Dawn just posted in the forums.

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