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A Couple of Snow Days!

We’ve had a couple of days of snow here, so the back yard is about 4” deep in the stuff right now. It is sunny today, so it’s going to melt off soon.. Nikki absolutely loves the snow! She always has, and we’ve got many pictures of her playing in the snow at various points in her life..

Now that she’s a Tripawd, she’s got a bit of healing to do before she can maneuver enough in it to play…

Yesterday Nikki spent the day with Dr. Pyne and the folks at Banfield. I had to drop her off in the early morning, so she got to go for a ride. It was pretty funny actually, because it was snowing and the roads were icy, but Nikki still wanted a bit of wind on her so I had to crack the window a bit. She was so happy that she was practically howling as we drove.. Kind of hard to concentrate on driving on ice with a howling dog, but I suppose it was worth it.

When we arrived at Banfield, Nikki didn’t let me get the ramp set up, she just flew out of the back of the Tahoe. Good think she was wearing her harness, as I was able to catch her by the handle and let her down easy.. I think she so desperately wants to be normal again.

She didn’t like being cooped up at Banfield, and let everyone know by somehow working her harness around and chewing off a buckle. She just didn’t want to be in the small kennel and wearing that harness…

The seroma is definitely slowing down. Dr. Pyne is pretty pleased with the progress there, so I think only a few more visits for this and we’ll be done with it.

I’m on my way to Boston now, so I’m going to be away for a few days. Nikki has already seen “the bad thing” (my suitcase) and knows I’m leaving, so she’s not very happy right now. I’m sure she’ll be fine, but it is hard to leave her at this point. (Work beckons, unfortunately)

As you can see, Sasha and Nikki are doing fine together. That was one of the big concerns we had, considering that Sasha is a bull in a china shop most days, and only wants to play. (I swear that dog is wound up from the moment she wakes until the moment she sleeps)


11 Responses to “A Couple of Snow Days!”

  1.   barleybear Says:

    Hi there. My dog, Barley is about a week behind Nikki. His appetite is basically non existent. We can only get him to eat if it’s wet food. He too has osteosarcoma. He has no interest in eating his bone (which used to be his favorite thing). ARe you seeing anything similar with Nikki?

    Barley’s Mom

  2.   Tazzie Says:

    that is quite a picture!!

  3.   Ted Says:

    Hi! Welcome to the Tripawds site!! You’ll likely find a lot of very good information here, not just on Nikki’s page.. The forums can be a fantastic source of information in terms of what people are experiencing..

    To answer your question, YES! Nikki has become extremely picky about what she eats, and some days eats more than others. What we have decided is that the pain meds upset her stomach to a certain degree, plus she’s drinking a lot more water than she normally does, so that I am sure impacts it as well.

    We aren’t too worried about it at this point, mainly because Nikki needs to drop a few pounds anyway..

    Good luck with Barley! We wish you success in this battle against osteosarcoma!

  4.   maggie Says:

    What a cute picture of Nikki and Sasha!!! Nikki looks like she’s getting around pretty well.

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  5.   Ted Says:

    Mary took the picture of Sasha and Nikki this morning before we left for the airport. Sasha really has been great with Nikki, and it is really cute to see them huddled like that.

  6.   admin Says:

    What beauties! That is a whole lotta dog. 🙂

  7.   jerry Says:

    Looks like Sasha is going to be a great protector to Nikki, what a sweet photo. Sorry she ate her harness! Good luck in Boston, watch out for that crazy weather.

  8.   Peyton's Path Says:

    What sweethearts! You are beautiful girls! Sasha keep protecting Nikki!!!

  9.   jakesmom Says:

    I love the picture of Nikki with Sasha!! It reminds me of my Jake with his younger brother Wolfie… who was always by his side since his surgery…

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  10.   Kanga's mom Says:

    She looks SO much better, wow. She must feel better too, I imagine that bandage was pretty uncomfortable. Kanga got fussy with food but put 1/3 cup of wet food on top of her dry food and mixed it in a little and it worked great. I put her medications in the wet food and that worked well too. Got the harness today and will get that fitted on her tomorrow but really no need for it. I almost felt guilty writing because Kanga has done so well lately. Being a puppy helps w/o any further complications. I lived through all of that with my last dog that died of cancer so been there done that. Someone came to the house today and said “I didn’t even notice her leg was gone”, it all depends on how they’re sitting or laying or what angle you see them when they are standing. It’s obvious when she walks, not so much when she hop/trots – she bolted passed me again today – I’m thrilled at her progress. I wish you well and bet you can’t wait to get home, but I think being gone will give you a new sense of how well she’s really doing when you see her again. She just looks SO much better, I’m so relieved. I just don’t know how common that volume of fluid is so I was pretty worried for you. Bet you can’t wait until the snow is gone to see her really get out there, probably good for her to rest – what a happy reunion that will be! Hurry home!
    Kanga’s mom

  11.   anyemery Says:

    I love the picture of Nikki and Sasha! They almost look like an upside down Valentine’s heart! 🙂 So glad to hear she’s doing better. Best wishes for continued improvements…
    Holly and Holly’s mom

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