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A Good Day!

It’s only been 3 days since the surgery… Hard to believe actually when you look at Nikki and see just how far she’s come since Tuesday night.

I took this photo after coming home from work today. As I was putting my stuff in the office here, I heard a dog coming my way, assumed it was Sasha, and then was surprised to see Nikki! She had hopped in from the family room, then turned around and went back to the dining room to lay down…


Last night was  a good night. Mary and I decided that we’d try the “normal routine” and let Nikki sleep in her own bed in our room. So, when it came time to go to bed, I helped Nikki up the stairs, and she went to her normal spot and laid down.. She was a bit restless (She’s on a lower dose of Tramadol now) but that settled down fairly quickly..

She woke up once around 3:20am, whined for a minute, but then went right back to sleep. When my alarm went off at 5 this morning, she was still sleeping soundly..

After the normal shower/shave/etc. routine, I took the dogs outside (helped Nikki down the stairs, which she was a bit unsure of, but it didn’t take her long to realize that I literally had her back) and decided to remove the sling and let Nikki try to go to the bathroom on her own. She took off and “ran” (not sure you can call it that, but we’ll pretend) around the lawn, then did her business. She then came back towards me and sat down. I put the sling on her, got her back up the stairs to the deck, and then back in the house. She drank, then waited patiently for me to bring her treats. (The morning ritual is that all the dogs get a few treats once they come in from their business)

While at work, Mary let me know that Nikki was having a very normal day, was playful, and managed to spend some time outside in the sun as well. She also has a healthy appetite!

When I got home, Nikki was very playful and happy. Very much like her normal self..

You can see in the photos that we have wood floors throughout the main level of our house. Mary has distributed throw rugs over much of the wood, but for whatever reason, Nikki enjoys laying on the wood. She can’t get enough traction to stand when she’s laying on the wood like that, but she’s so smart that she’s figured out if she crawls to a rug, she can get the traction that she needs. It’s all about adjustment, and I am just completely and totally amazed at how quickly Nikki is adjusting to all of this..

Tomorrow is Saturday, so I’ll get to spend more of the day here at home with Nikki and see for myself how she’s healing.

We see Dr. Pyne again on Monday afternoon, and then I’m sure I’m going to start worrying about the next phase of the treatment (We don’t yet know the results of the pathology testing on the removed leg).

7 Responses to “A Good Day!”

  1.   Tazzie Says:

    sounds terrific! and thanks for the interesting updates!

  2.   sharyn Says:

    Sounds like everything is moving along smoothly. My Pomeranian is due to have his front leg taken off this coming Tuesday and I truly am a wreck….

  3.   Ted Says:

    Yes, things are moving smoothly at the moment. I know that we’re going to experience some ups and downs but it has been very, VERY good to see how quickly she’s bounced back.

    Your Pomeranian will do just fine…

    You will find a LOT of support here on this site. I have been totally and completely amazed at the level of support that we’ve found here.

  4.   krun15 Says:

    Sounds good so far. I know that wait for the report can be nerve wracking!!

    My pug Maggie is also a rear amp. We don’t have wood but we have tile and a timber-teck deck out back. She gets up fine, of course she is much smaller than Nikki.
    One thing I have done is to keep the fir around her pads and toes trimmed short which helps her with traction. I also keep her pads conditioned with Musher’s Secret.
    You probably don’t need to traumatize her with anything else right now- maybe it will help at some point.

    Karen and the pug girls

  5.   jack crowder Says:

    Congratulations on a speedy recovery! It truly is amazing how Nikki is already making adjustments to make her tripawd life work. The carpet runners will help a great deal when she is up and running again. Keep up the great work and enjoy Nikki on your day off 🙂

  6.   Mackenzie's Mom Says:

    It sounds like Nikki is recovering very well. Congratulations! Like I’ve experienced, the first 2 weeks are the worst. My Mackenzie didn’t want to eat and she didn’t want to move around a lot for about 10 days or so. Once we took her off the tramadol after the 10th day she became a whole new dog – even walked up the stairs all by herself without us even knowing. She amazed us then and continues to amaze us now. I’m sure Nikki will amaze you every day with her progress too. And don’t worry too much about her pathology on her amputated leg (I know it’s hard not to). As in my case, they told me what we already knew from the biopsy – so no real surprises. Wishing Nikki a continued speedy recovery.

  7.   maggie Says:

    Sounds like Nikki is doing great! My dog, Maggie, can’t handle any floor without rugs…I think it’s her structure…very long (GSDish) back, low tail set and lot of rear angulation…so she would slip alot and I had to rug EVERY nook and cranny. So your Nikki seems to handle it much better than my dog! Good for her on eating well too after surgery!

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

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