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It’s Been a Year

1 April. It used to be the day that we played tricks on each other and laughed about all the other April Fools jokes going around. Since 1 April 2011 though, it will always be remembered as the day that Nikki decided she was done with her struggle with cancer. I still have very vivid memories of waking up early that morning before sunrise and taking Nikki to the front yard, and watching her just sit and enjoy the cool night air. I also remember the strength she showed later that day as she let us know that it was time. I swear if she could talk she would have told us that we shouldn’t be sad and shouldn’t worry, but all we could really do was just watch her struggle to get comfortable.


There’s not been a single day in the last 365 where I haven’t thought of Nikki, and while time has replaced most of the painful memories with good ones, I still can’t help but miss that Tripawd greeting me at the door and making sure that I bent down so that she could lick my face. That was one thing I could always count on when I walked through the door, whether I’d been gone for an hour or a week. Both Sasha and Max have been a lot of fun over the last year, and Max has done a very good job of picking up the torch of “My Dog”, but Nikki’s memory is still very fresh.


And of course Sasha has taken over the position of “Protector of the Realm”. That used to be Nikki’s job, but I have to admit that Sasha does a very good job of it.


We all miss you Nikki!

3 Responses to “It’s Been a Year”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    nikki, hope you are having a world of fun at the bridge – give gayle an ear rub from us!!

    charon & spirit gayle

  2.   admin Says:

    Beautiful Nikki… we all miss you indeed. Thanks for checking in Ted!

  3.   jerry Says:

    Ted & Mary, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year.

    We think of your beautiful girl all the time, and constantly tell new members that they need to read her blog to get inspired and know that after the surgery and recovery, beauty, strength and courage follows.

    Love ya Nikki. We know you’re out there looking after all of us.

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