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Nikki is Home Now

Well, it’s been a week and a day since we had to say goodbye to Nikki. A lot has happened in that week, but I still think about her a lot. I really miss the fact that she’s not there to greet me and lick my face when I come through the door and miss looking over to see her lying on the floor as I work in the home office. The UPS and FedEx trucks now drive past the house unmolested. That just doesn’t seem right…


I picked up Nikki’s ashes and paw print from the vet this morning, put them in the backseat of the Avalanche and drove home with the back windows open. Sure did miss the barking.



I was looking through all of the pictures that we have of Nikki and am really glad that we have as many as we do. I’m not sure what my favorite is, but I think if I had to choose it would either be this one:


(Which was taken just prior to her Osteosarcoma diagnosis)

or this one:


which shows her incredible spirit, and tells the world that she didn’t let the fact that she only had 3 legs stop her from doing anything she wanted to do.


One thing, however, is certain; Nikki will be missed but not forgotten, she had an incredible presence in life, and leaves us with her imprint. I’m actually not sure why I took the following picture when I did, but it was from one of the final snows we had this winter, and was taken right after I let Nikki out for the morning. I just felt it was a good picture and definitely shows the tacks that Nikki left behind.


7 Responses to “Nikki is Home Now”

  1.   Alexei Says:

    Yesterday was one month for us and three weeks since we picked up the ashes. I have not yet found the energy to blog. This post is an amazing testament to you and the spirit of Nikki. Bless you…

  2.   gunner Says:

    Awww, Run Nikki Run. You fought the fight, rest now.

  3.   etgayle Says:

    nikki was indeed a beautiful girl and a beautiful spirit. thanks for sharing her with us.

    charon & gayle

  4.   riosmom Says:

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful Nikki pictures… The tracks in the snow are so symbolic of the imprint they leave on our lives.

    Micki and Rio

  5.   tatespeeps Says:

    Thank you for sharing, Nikki looks like a beautiful girl. I love the pawprints in the snow, what an inspirational picture.

  6.   admin Says:

    Nikki has indeed touched so many… thanks for sharing her story, her spirit shall live on forever!

  7.   jerry Says:

    Paw prints on our hearts forever Nikki, we will always love you.

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