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5 Months!

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted here. The only excuse I have is that basically we’ve all been having a pretty good time and Nikki has really been enjoying life. We’re now 5 months post-surgery, and the prognosis at this point could not be any better!

It’s interesting when I think back 6 months ago when we got the horrible news that Nikki had Cancer and that there wasn’t much hope other than to take her leg and see what happens. We went through some serious ups and downs after the surgery, both physically and emotionally. On one hand we had the news that Nikki could measure her lifespan in days if we didn’t do the surgery, and if we did the surgery, we might extend her life 5 months or more, depending on the roll of the dice… Well, here we are 5 months after surgery and Nikki is pretty much 100% healed and is her old self in every way, shape and form. She’s actually doing things these days that I haven’t seen her do since she was a puppy!

Ever since Nikki was a puppy, one of her favorite things to do is to go for a ride. She really gets into it, she climbs up in the window and sticks her head up as high as she can get it, and occasionally barks from pure joy. (Of course this tends to leave the side of my vehicle completely slimed!) Since the surgery, the rides we would take would generally be to the vet (Nikki hasn’t actually seen a doctor in a month at this point) and while she tried to get up in the window, that back leg just wouldn’t cooperate for her. I tried putting the seat in various configurations to help and rigging up a box or something for her to get on, but nothing really worked. On the occasion that she would be able to get up for a bit, she’d spend too much time trying to balance so it really took the fun out for her..

Well, now that we’re farther along in the healing process, one of the things that Nikki has been doing is really gaining strength in her rear leg. Yesterday I was sitting in the office and Nikki wandered in and gave me the, “Listen, you haven’t taken me for a ride in a week, and I’m ready to go!” look, so off we headed…

Once I got her up in the Tahoe and backed out of the driveway, I noticed that Nikki was sizing up the window again and figuring out if it was going to be worth it.. Next thing I knew she hopped up, and was balancing on that hind leg just fine.. Long story short, we drove for about 15 miles and Nikki didn’t come out of the window at all. The side of the Tahoe (which is normally black) was completely white from her bark-slobber.. Not sure I’ve ever seen anything so nasty look so damn good! Nikki is most definitely back!

It’s been a bit warm here in Colorado these last few days, so the dogs are all taking to laying in the cool grass when they can. As you can see by Nikki’s face (Far left in the photo), she’s pretty happy!


5 Responses to “5 Months!”

  1.   Carmen (Catie's Mom) Says:

    That is indeed a happy face!

  2.   Mackenzie's Mom Says:

    Oh that is so great to hear how well Nikki’s doing! Happy 5 month ampuversary too! I remember when Mackenzie reached about her 5th month, I noticed she was getting so much stronger and was doing things that she hadn’t done in quite a long time. I’m very happy for you all that you have your Nikki back! Even if it comes with a slimed Tahoe :).

  3.   admin Says:

    Yum, Bark Slobber! A happy pack indeed. Thanks for the update.

  4.   etgayle Says:

    wow, such a happy story!! glad to hear the ‘rides are back’..look out world there will be slobber a’flying!!! yeah!!

    gayle & charon

  5.   anyemery Says:

    yay, Nikki! It sounds like you are doing pawsome! Holly likes to stand and stick her head out of the car window, too. She can sometimes do the balance thing – but so great for you that you figured it out! Maybe you can give Holly some pointers… 🙂
    Holly, Zuzu and Susan

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