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Pawty Time in Southern Colorado

As mentioned on Buddy’s blog we all headed out to the Bear Creek dog park to meet up with other tripawds in southern Colorado for the tripawds pawty. It was a great time, and Nikki had a great time just being out of the house and yard around new friends and new smells. With all the excitement going on around us, it was hard to get a shot with the family, but I was able to manage this one:


It didn’t take too long for her to just adopt her “I’m chillin’” pose though:


As you can see by the look on her face, she’s very content and happy to just hang out with the others and watch all the goings on.

There were plenty of new tripawd friends to meet as well, including the famous Mayor of Divide, Sprite!


Of course there was the famous Calpernia, and Wyatt and others as well!


All and all it was a very fun outing. I hope we get the opportunity to do it again sometime!

4 Responses to “Pawty Time in Southern Colorado”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    great pictures, thanks for sharing!!

  2.   Mackenzie's Mom Says:

    So pawesome – wish we could have been there! What great photos and a great photo of the family too!

  3.   cemil Says:

    I love it when the NorCal Tripawds get together. Looks like you guys had just as much fun. How does Southern Colorado shorten….SoCo?

  4.   jerry Says:

    What an honor it was to meet YOU Nikki! Thank you so much for coming out. Your calm presence even mellowed out Wyatt Ray, as you can see in that pic. Now that takes a real special girl to make him sit still for more than 2 seconds!

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